What is a sweater?
A sweater is color.
Beautiful and unique expressions of color
which captivate the wearer,
and the onlooker.
This is a sweater.

It is hardly difficult to find a cashmere sweater these days, but while they may vary widely in terms of quality and price, many cashmere sweaters have a tendency to look similar, and most come in solid colors. However, isn’t the ability to clothe ourselves in beautiful shades of color one of the most alluring aspects of a sweater? Since there remain many uncharted frontiers of color to explore, this offers the potential for the creation of unique new colors that will captivate both the wearer and the onlooker. The A SWEATER IS COLOR series was fueled by our desire to depart from conventionally colored cashmere sweaters and embark on a journey of discovery – a journey of exploring, blending and inventing new and unique expressions of color.
いまや巷に溢れ、その品質も価格も千差万別なカシミヤセーターですが、一方でその仕上がりはどれも似かよったような、単一色のソリッドなものばかり。けれど、忘れてならないセーターの魅力のひとつは「色を着る」ものだということ。きっと、まだ豊穣なフロンティアが残されていて、着るひとや見るひとをもっと愉しませるカラー・クリエイションが可能なはず。おなじみの単一色とは一線を画した、ありそうでなかった色合いを探求し、見つけだし、組みあげ、表現したカシミヤセーターを創造したい。そんな想いから生まれたのが A SWEATER IS COLOR. です。

The A SWEATER IS COLOR series is knit from a specialized yarn known as moku-ito (“moku yarn”), made by twisting together four threads of different thicknesses and colors. For example, the moku yarn used for the Saxony blue sweater is composed of two blue threads with different levels of brightness and saturation, a light beige thread, and a fluorescent blue thread. The sweaters knit from this intricately structured yarn may look like a simple Saxony blue from a distance, but the closer you get, the deeper and more complex the color reveals itself to be.
Since a variety of colors can be chosen for each of the four threads, the possible combinations are virtually limitless. And no matter how beautiful the moku yarn itself may be, there is no telling whether it will translate into a beautiful sweater until the fabric has actually been knit. Keeping all of this in mind illustrates how each of the colors in this series represents a long road of trial and error, and the answers we finally obtained.
A SWEATER IS COLOR. を編むための糸。それは、太さや色の異なる4本のミクロな糸を撚り合わせてつくった特別な杢糸(もくいと)*。例えば〈サックス杢〉のセーターの杢糸は、明度と彩度が異なる2種類のサックス、薄いベージュ、蛍光サックスという組み合わせから成ります。複雑に構成されたこの糸で編むことにより、遠くから一見すればシンプルなサックスのようでいて、近づくほどに表情のゆたかさを印象づける、奥ゆきのある色合いのサックスに仕上がっています。
4種の糸それぞれが様々に色を持ちうるということは、その組み合わせには幾万通りのパターンが存在するということ。また、美しい杢糸ができたと思っても、実際にそれで編み込んでみなければ、セーターの表情として美しいかどうかわかりません。その意味で、 A SWEATER IS COLOR. が提案する色合いは、カラー・クリエイションの膨大な試行錯誤の果てに辿りついた答えです。

Yonetomi Seni has, in fact, quite a long history of creating “color moku” cashmere, going back some 40 years to the moku yarn varieties created by second-generation company president Tomizo Oe. The beautiful, richly colored sweaters knit from this yarn found many devoted fans who continue to wear these sweaters to this day, and the “a sweater is color” motto was first articulated by Tomizo himself. By producing new and original yarns, we are able to conceive, create and offer brand new colors which have never before seen the light of day. This is one of the joys of being a factory brand, and an important element of the corporate philosophy that Yonetomi Seni hopes to pass on to future generations.
Made from 100% cashmere, these sweaters are light, soft and supple, comfortable without being overly warm, ideal for mild winter weather. The design features the time-honored saddle shoulder construction traditionally utilized by British knitwear manufacturers, and the ribbed collar, sleeves and hem add to the sweater’s vintage feel.
Image courtesy of Akaoni and Studio Xxingham

Yarn: 100% Cashmere (Inner Mongolia cashmere [70% 15.6μ, 30% 15.8μ])
Knit structure: Jersey knit
Size: 1, 2, 3, 4 (Unisex)
Colors: Gray moku, Black moku, Yellow moku, Red moku, Green moku, Saxony blue moku
糸:カシミヤ100%(内モンゴル産、15.6μ 70%、15.8μ 30%)
サイズ | 着丈 | 身幅 | 裄丈 |
1 | 64 | 53 | 70 |
2 | 66 | 55 | 73 |
3 | 68 | 57 | 75 |
4 | 70 | 59 | 77 |